
Patrycja Stelmach

Patrycja Stel­mach B.Sc.
Stu­den­ti­sche Mitarbeiterin



Zur Person

Archi­tect, born and raised in Lodz (Poland). She is stu­dying archi­tec­ture in Lodz Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy. In 2018 she gra­duated with a B.Sc. in archi­tec­ture. During her bachelor degree she took part in inter­na­tional stu­dent exch­anges, stu­dying one semester in Uni­ver­sidade da Beira Inte­rior, Por­tugal and working in pri­vate archi­tec­ture offices in Spain. In Sep­tember 2019 she started a master degree. Since 1st March till 31st of August she was a trainee in Insti­tute of Archi­tec­ture in Mainz, where she was taking part in pro­jects of BIM-con­form digital 3D recon­struc­tion of the main syn­agogue in the city of Wro­claw and digital recon­struc­tion of medi­eval cities Mainz-Speyer-Worms.

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