Key­note Lec­ture „The Digital 3D Recon­struc­tion as Rese­arch Tool – Chal­lenges and Potentials“

The Digital 3D Recon­struc­tion as Rese­arch Tool – Chal­lenges and Potentials

Key­note Lec­ture of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Piotr Kuro­c­zyński – part of the Inter­na­tional Work­shop „Visua­li­zing Com­ple­xi­ties: Prac­tices and Heu­ris­tics of Digital Models in Art History“ as online event via Zoom.

Zeit: 10.12.2020 , 18:15 – 19:30
Ort: Online via zoom





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