Vir­tual Work­shop and Lec­ture „Digital 3D recon­struc­tion – Web-based docu­men­ta­tion and publi­ca­tion of 3D data sets con­cer­ning his­to­rical archi­tec­ture“ – 05.03.2021

Vir­tual Work­shop and Lec­ture „Digital 3D recon­struc­tion – Web-based docu­men­ta­tion and publi­ca­tion of 3D data sets con­cer­ning his­to­rical archi­tec­ture“ – 05.03.2021

Rese­arch Group Gil­bert Trausch – At work in the library: intel­lec­tual and mate­rial prac­tices of his­to­rians in the 20th century

Lec­ture of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Piotr Kuro­c­zyński – part of the Vir­tual Work­shop „At work in the library: intel­lec­tual and mate­rial prac­tices of his­to­rians in the 20th cen­tury“ as online event.

In 2020, the Centre for Digital and Con­tem­porary History, the Institut d’Histoire of the Uni­ver­sity of Luxem­bourg and the Luxem­bourg Lear­ning Centre started a rese­arch pro­ject on work and working methods of Gil­bert Trausch (1931 – 2018), a major Luxem­bour­gish his­to­rian. The inter­na­tional work­shop will allow to exchange our ideas situated at the cross­road of his­to­rio­graphy and digi­ta­liz­a­tion with other rese­ar­chers explo­ring similar sci­en­tific fields. 

Zeit: 05.03.2021 , 09:00 – 16:40
Ort: Vir­tual Workshop


9h00 Wel­come and intro­duc­tion (Michel Margue) 

1st part: Libra­ries of his­to­rians of the 20th cen­tury 

Panel 1: Pri­vate libra­ries as mar­kers of intel­lec­tual cul­ture (Chair: Michel Margue, Luxem­bourg) 

9h10 Jean-Charles Geslot (Ver­sailles): Mais où sont les biblio­t­hè­ques des his­to­riens fran­çais? 

9h40 Anne-Char­lotte Pivot (Vil­leur­banne): Les dons de biblio­t­hè­ques « con­sti­tuées » d’historiens et d’historiennes prés­ents dans les collec­tions des éta­b­lis­se­ments d’enseignement supé­rieur et de recherche 

10h10 General dis­cus­sion 

10h40 Coffee break 

Panel 2: Inside the pri­vate library: orga­ni­sa­tion of know­ledge from the prin­ting to the digital era (Chair: Benoît Majerus, Luxem­bourg) 

11h00 Armin Heinen (Aachen): Über das Ver­fer­tigen einer geschichts­wis­sen­schaft­li­chen Nar­ra­tion – Wissen über Ver­gan­genes erar­beiten und orga­ni­sieren 

11.30 Wolf­gang Freund (Luxem­bourg): Wie funk­tio­nierte die Biblio­thek des His­to­ri­kers Gil­bert Trausch? 

12.00 Renée Wagener (Luxem­bourg): The pri­vate library of the his­to­rian in the era of pho­to­copy: the case of Gil­bert Trausch 

12.30 General dis­cus­sion 

13h00 Lunch break 

2d part: Vir­tual recon­struc­tion /​ visua­li­sa­tion 

Panel 3: 3D visua­li­sa­tion in heri­tage recon­struc­tion and vir­tual libra­ries (Chair: Andreas Fickers) 

14h00 Piotr Kuro­c­zyński (Mainz): Digital 3D recon­struc­tion – Web-based docu­men­ta­tion and publi­ca­tion of 3D data sets con­cer­ning his­to­rical archi­tec­ture 

14h30 Simone Garagnani (Bologna): Model­ling of his­toric buil­dings using His­toric BIM 

15h00 Anna Busch (Potsdam): Autoren­bi­blio­theken und ihre digi­tale Rekon­struk­tion 

15h30 Norman Teferle /​ Lars Wie­necke (Luxem­bourg): Maison Trausch – 3D cap­tu­ring, model­ling und photo-rea­listic visua­li­sa­tion 

16.00 General dis­cus­sion 

16.30 Con­clu­sions and fare­well 

16.40 End of work­shop 




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