Sym­po­sium – Posi­tio­ning: Erich Men­delsohn and the Built Heri­tage of the 20th Century

Sym­po­sium – Posi­tio­ning: Erich Men­delsohn and the Built Heri­tage of the 20th Century

Chamber of Architects/​Architektenkammer | © Kle­mens Renner


On the occa­sion of the 50th anni­ver­sary year of the UNESCO World Heri­tage Con­ven­tion as well as of Erich Mendelsohn’s 135th bir­thday the “Erich Men­delsohn Initia­tive Circle” through ICOMOS Israel, ICOMOS Ger­many and in coope­ra­tion with a number of part­ners orga­nize an inter­na­tional sym­po­sium on 21 and 22 March 2022. The aim is to iden­tify the poten­tial Out­stan­ding Uni­versal Value (OUV) of Erich Mendelsohn’s work for a UNESCO World Heri­tage trans­na­tional serial nomi­na­tion. For this pur­pose, experts will open new per­spec­tives on Mendelsohn’s life, his archi­tec­ture and influ­ence, and will con­sult on stra­te­gies for the nomi­na­tion pro­cess. The sym­po­sium is par­ti­cu­larly inte­rested in explo­ring Mendelsohn’s cos­mo­po­litan approach to moder­nity and seeks reflec­tions on his global impact, as well as on the theo­re­tical posi­tions and tech­nical inno­va­tions in which it was rooted.

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Zeit: 21 and 22 March 2022
Ort: Chamber of Archi­tects Berlin/​Architektenkammer Berlin

Orga­ni­sa­tion: ICOMOS Ger­many, ICOMOS Israel and Archi­tek­ten­kammer Berlin (Chamber of Archi­tects Berlin)

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