EU Pro­ject CoVHer | Work­shop Week and Mulit­plier Event, 06.09 – 13.09.2023

EU Pro­ject CoVHer | Work­shop Week and Mulit­plier Event, 06.09 – 13.09.2023

We are pleased to announce the preli­mi­nary pro­gram and sche­dule of the the EU pro­ject CoVHer work­shop: DIGITAL 3D HERITAGE – Explo­ring 3D- Model­ling in Edu­ca­tion, Docu­men­ta­tion and Dissemination.

The work­shop will include the third inter­na­tional mul­ti­plier event at the LUX Pavillon in Mainz accom­panying the „Wis­sen­schafts­markt“ on the 9th of Sep­tember 2023.

The Pro­ject part­ners of CoVHer from Bar­ce­lona, Bologna, Porto, Warsaw, Mainz and addi­tio­nally Lodz will pre­sent the first pro­ject results as well as its fur­ther objec­tives and goals to the public. The event will also fea­ture guest spea­kers from insti­tu­tions that have a long back­ground in digital 3d recon­struc­tion of lost archi­tec­ture and digital cul­tural edu­ca­tion for the public.

Time: 6th – 13th of Sep­tember 2023
Venue: LUX – Pavillon der Hoch­schule Mainz


Hosted by the AI MAINZ – Insti­tute of Archi­tec­ture at Mainz Uni­ver­sity of App­lied Sci­ences 

6th Sep­tember 2023, 1. Work­shop Day: Visite of the Digital Urban History Lab (DUHL) at Lan­des­mu­seum Mainz

7th Sep­tember 2023, 2. Work­shop Day: Digital Cul­tural Heritage

8th Sep­tember 2023, 3. Work­shop Day: Uncer­tainty in Digital 3D Reconstructions


Time: 9th Sep­tember 2023, 2pm – 9pm CET
Venue: LUX – Pavillon der Hoch­schule Mainz

Zoom: https://hs-mainz-de.zoom‑  (Mee­ting-ID: 691 2163 9060)

CoVHer Mul­ti­plier Event 

Hosted by the AI MAINZ – Insti­tute of Archi­tec­ture at Mainz Uni­ver­sity of App­lied Sci­ences 

14:00 – 14:15 Wel­come by Piotr Kuro­c­zyński and Jan Lut­teroth, Hosts of the event

14:15 – 14:30 Wel­come by Susanne Weissman, Pre­si­dent of Mainz Uni­ver­sity of App­lied Sciences 

14:30 – 16:30 Pre­sen­ta­tions by the stu­dents from the CoVHer partner universities

16:30 – 17:30 Coffee break and ope­ning of the buffet

17:30 – 19:30 Key­notes by Pic­ture­works Studio, Time­Ride and La Tem­pesta on 

Serious Games and Digital Cul­tural Education 

19:30 – 21:00 Get tog­e­ther with finger food and local wine

Aug­mented Rea­lity Post­cards: Grea­tings from Wołpa Syn­agogue


11th Sep­tember 2023, 5. Work­shop Day: Trans­na­tional Pro­ject Mee­ting and Trip to Worms

12th Sep­tember 2023, 6. Work­shop Day: 3D Prin­ting and Trip to Mainz

13th Sep­tember 2023, 7. Work­shop Day: Aug­mented Rea­lity and Farewell


Host: AI MAINZ – Insti­tute of Archi­tec­ture at Mainz Uni­ver­sity of App­lied Sci­ences 

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