PhD in Computer Science

Daniel Dworak

Daniel Dworak, PhD
Wis­sen­schaft­li­cher Mit­ar­beiter /​ Postdoc

Holzstr. 36
55116 Mainz

Tel. +49 (0) 6131 – 628 ‑1260


Zur Person

Daniel Dworak is an pro­grammer and IT spe­cia­list which joins deve­lo­p­ment skills with Digital Huma­nities back­ground. He was involved as main pro­grammer in three-years trans­na­tional and inter­di­sci­pli­nary pro­ject, ‘Vir­tual Recon­struc­tions in Trans­na­tional Rese­arch Envi­ron­ments. The Portal: „Palaces and Parks in former East Prussia”’ funded by the Leibniz Asso­cia­tion. Mean­while, was employed at  the Justus Liebig Uni­ver­sity Giessen at the Centre for Media and Interactivity.

In 2018 he’s finished PhD “The com­pres­sion of large com­puter gra­phics data sets for inter­ac­tive Web app­li­ca­tions” which was awarded and high scored. He is an author of seven publi­ca­tions inclu­ding awarded “the best paper of the Digital Heri­tage con­fe­rence in Cyprus”. He deve­loped 3dPNG file format, methods and tech­ni­ques of enco­ding, sen­ding and deco­ding of opti­mized 3D data. The 3dPNG format was also imple­mented in the pro­ject I was involved in. He deve­loped the com­plete work­flow for mode­ling, auto­matic com­pres­sion, enco­ding, sto­ring, trans­fer­ring and deco­ding 3D geo­metry opti­mized for the Web.

Right now, he is also an entre­pre­neur in his own TheD­worak com­pany which coope­rates with GG Inter­na­tional and AI Mainz. The first one focuses on caring about the secu­rity and setup of ser­vers (backend) for world­wide com­pany. While the second one allows him to expand his expe­ri­ence in Vir­tual Rea­lity and Aug­mented Rea­lity (VRAR), espe­cially for Cul­tural Heritage.

Cur­ri­culum Vitae

2021 – 2023 Wis­sen­schaft­li­cher Mit­ar­beiter (Postdoc) im For­schungs­pro­jekt „DFG-3D-Viewer – Infra­struktur für digi­tale 3D-Rekon­struk­tionen“ am Archi­tek­tur­in­stitut der Hoch­schule Mainz
2018-heute The Dworak Stu­dios, Senior Server Admi­nis­trator für GG Inter­na­tional Com­pany und Mit­be­gründer der GGC
2013 – 2018 PhD of Com­puter Sci­ence, Tech­ni­sche Uni­ver­sität Lodz, Fakultät für Tech­ni­sche Physik, Infor­ma­ti­ons­tech­no­logie und Ange­wandte Mathe­matik (Polen)
2013 – 2017 Wis­sen­schaft­li­cher Mit­ar­beiter am Zen­trum für Medien und Inter­ak­ti­vität (ZMI) an der Justus-Liebig-Uni­ver­sität Gießen im For­schungs­pro­jekt „Vir­tu­elle Rekon­struk­tionen in trans­na­tio­nalen For­schungs­um­ge­bungen – Das Portal: Schlösser und Park­an­lagen im ehe­ma­ligen Ostpreußen“
2013 2D- & 3D-Pro­gram­mierer und Künstler, Sky4Fly
2012 – 1013 Master of Com­puter Sci­ence, Tech­ni­sche Uni­ver­sität Lodz, Fakultät für Tech­ni­sche Physik, Infor­ma­ti­ons­tech­no­logie und Ange­wandte Mathe­matik (Polen)
2008 – 2012 Engi­neer of Com­puter Sci­ence, Tech­ni­sche Uni­ver­sität Lodz, Fakultät für Tech­ni­sche Physik, Infor­ma­ti­ons­tech­no­logie und Ange­wandte Mathe­matik (Polen)


  • Digi­tale Pro­zesse in der Archi­tek­tur­pla­nung und Fertigung
  • Com­pu­ta­tional Design
  • Addi­tive Manufacturing


  • Fast Enco­ding of 3D Huge Data Sets in Lossless PNG Format”, D. Dworak, M. Piet­ruszka, In: Advances in Intel­li­gent Sys­tems and Com­pu­ting (314), Springer, Wro­claw, 2014, pp. 15 – 24;
  • 3D Points Cloud Reduc­tion Using Modi­fied K‑D Tree Method”, D. Dworak, In: 5th Sci­ence Ses­sion of Doc­toral Stu­dents, Lodz, 2015, pp. 44 – 49;
  • Vir­tual Museum of Des­troyed Cul­tural Heri­tage – 3D Docu­men­ta­tion, Recon­struc­tion and Visua­li­sa­tion in the Semantic Web”, P. Kuro­c­zyński, O. Hauck, D. Dworak, In: Vir­tual Archaeo­logy, St. Peters­burg, 2015, pp. 54 – 61;
  • PNG as fast trans­mis­sion format for 3D com­puter gra­phics in the Web”, D. Dworak, M. Piet­ruszka, In: New Rese­arch in Mul­ti­media and Internet Sys­tems by Springer-Verlag, Advances in Intel­li­gent Sys­tems and Com­pu­ting, 2017, pp. 15 – 26;
  • 3D Models on Triple Paths – New Pathways for Docu­men­ting and Visua­li­zing Vir­tual Recon­struc­tions”, P. Kuro­c­zyński, O. Hauck, D. Dworak, In: 3D Rese­arch Chal­lenges in Cul­tural Heri­tage II, LNCS Springer, Ger­many, 2016, pp. 149 – 172;
  • Vir­tual Recon­struc­tion 3.0: New Approach of Web-based Visua­li­sa­tion and Docu­men­ta­tion of Lost Cul­tural Heri­tage”, D. Dworak, P. Kuro­c­zyński, In: Digital Heri­tage: Pro­gress in Cul­tural Heri­tage: Docu­men­ta­tion, Pre­ser­va­tion, and Pro­tec­tion, LNCS Springer, Cyprus, 2017, pp. 292 – 306.
  • Three-Dimen­sional Multi-Reso­lu­tion and Hard­ware Acce­le­rated Com­pres­sion for the Effi­cient Inter­ac­tive Web App­li­ca­tions”, D. Dworak, M. Piet­ruszka, In: Mul­ti­media and Net­work Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems by Springer-Verlag Advances in Intel­li­gent Sys­tems and Com­pu­ting, 2019, pp. 23 – 34.

Vor­träge und Präsentationen

  • Inter­ac­tive 3D Archi­tec­tural Visua­liz­a­tion with Seman­tics in Web Brow­sers“, Mar­burg, 18.09.2013;
  • Inter­ac­tive Visua­liz­a­tion in Web Brow­sers”, Olsztyn, 04 – 05.04.2014;
  • 3D Visua­liz­a­tion in Web Brow­sers Using New Stan­dards”, Mar­burg, 17.03.2015;
  • Vir­tual Museum: Inter­ac­tive Web-Based Visua­li­sa­tion of Des­troyed Cul­tural Heri­tage” during cross-national rese­arch seminar “3D Digital Heri­tage – Explo­ring Vir­tual Rese­arch Space for Art History”, Berlin, 19 – 21.06.2017.
  • MISSI’14 Inter­na­tional Con­fe­rence on Mul­ti­media & Net­work Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems, Wro­cław (Poland), 17 – 19.09.2014;
  • 5th Sci­ence Ses­sion of Doc­toral Stu­dents, Rogow (Poland), 9 – 12.04.2015;
  • MISSI’16 Inter­na­tional Con­fe­rence on Mul­ti­media & Net­work Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems, Wro­cław (Poland), 14 – 16.09.2016;
  • Digital Heri­tage: Pro­gress in Cul­tural Heri­tage: Docu­men­ta­tion, Pre­ser­va­tion, and Pro­tec­tion, Nicosia (Cyprus), 31.10 – 05.11.2016.
  • MISSI’18 Inter­na­tional Con­fe­rence on Mul­ti­media & Net­work Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems, Wro­cław (Poland), 12 – 14.09.2018.


  • The Werner Weber Award für das “Best Full Paper” auf der EuroMed2016 Tagung , gemeinsam mit Piotr Kuro­c­zyński: Vir­tual Recon­struc­tion 3.0: New Approach of Web-based Visua­li­sa­tion and Docu­men­ta­tion of Lost Cul­tural Heritage
  • Teil­nahme als Mit­glied des Teams das die Mobile App erstellt hat an der Kunst­aus­stel­lung DESIGN IN: Lodz Design 2012 – 6. Inter­na­tio­nales Fes­tival für Design in Lodz


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