M. Arch.

Irene Cazzaro

Irene Caz­zaro, M.Arch.
Dok­to­randin (koope­ra­tive Pro­mo­tion an der Uni­ver­sität Bologna – Alma Mater Stu­diorum, Fach­be­reich Architektur)

Holzstr. 36
55116 Mainz

Tel. +49 (0) 6131 – 628 – 1260
Fax +49 (0) 6131 – 628 – 91260


Zur Person

Irene Caz­zaro was born in Venice (Italy) in 1990. She is cur­r­ently a PhD stu­dent in Archi­tec­ture at the Alma Mater Stu­diorum Uni­ver­sity of Bologna. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Archi­tec­ture and a Master’s Degree in Archi­tec­ture and Urban Plan­ning with a major in Mor­pho­logy, both from the IUAV Uni­ver­sity of Venice, in 2012 and 2015 respec­tively. Since 2015, she has worked as a tea­ching assi­stant at IUAV, con­tri­bu­ting to courses such as Repre­sen­ta­tion of Archi­tec­ture, Mor­pho­logy of Arte­facts, Visual Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and Art of Glass. She has par­ti­ci­pated as a speaker in several con­fe­rences mainly con­cer­ning archi­tec­ture, design, image and imagination.

Her cur­rent rese­arch inte­rests include the repre­sen­ta­tion of archi­tec­ture, mor­pho­logy, mor­pho­ge­nesis and gra­phic design, bet­ween theo­re­tical know­ledge and prac­tical out­comes. As a PhD stu­dent, she is con­duc­ting rese­arch on digital 3D models of des­troyed or unbuilt arte­facts with a cross-disci­pli­nary approach invol­ving the fields of Archi­tec­ture, History of Art and Archaeo­logy. Her work mainly focuses on ter­mi­no­logy and metho­do­logy, in an effort to set widely-accepted stan­dards to be used in 3D visua­li­sa­tions, com­plying with princi­ples such as inte­grity, relia­bi­lity, sus­taina­bi­lity and acces­si­bi­lity of the models.

Cur­ri­culum Vitae

2019 – 2021 PhD stu­dent at the Uni­ver­sity of Bologna – Alma Mater Stu­diorum, Archi­tec­ture Department,
in coope­ra­tion with the Insti­tute of Archi­tec­ture at the Hoch­schule Mainz
2019 – 2020 Tea­ching Assi­stant, Alma Mater Stu­diorum – Uni­ver­sity of Bologna, Archi­tec­ture Depart­ment, sup­ple­men­tary tea­ching acti­vity at the “Archi­tec­tural Drawing and Gra­phic Ana­lysis” course, prof. Fabrizio Apol­lonio and prof. Federico Fallavollita.
2018 – 2019 Scho­l­ar­ship holder at Glass Study Centre, Giorgio Cini Foun­da­tion (Venice), in part­nership with Pen­ta­gram Stif­tung Giorgio Cini Foun­da­tion, San Giorgio, Venice.
2015 – 2020 Tea­ching assi­stant, IUAV Uni­ver­sity, Venice
2011 and 2014 – 2015 Col­la­bo­rator in Bonini + Fratter Office – Archi­tec­ture and design studio, Mestre (Venice)
2012 – 2015 Master of Archi­tec­ture (M.Arch.), IUAV Uni­ver­sity, Venice
2009 – 2012 Bachelor of Sci­ence (B.Sc.), Archi­tec­ture, IUAV Uni­ver­sity, Venice


  • Digital 3D mode­ling and visualization
  • Digital hypo­the­tical recon­struc­tions in archi­tec­ture, art and archaeology
  • Repre­sen­ta­tion and mor­pho­logy of the artefacts


  • Gay Fabrizio and Caz­zaro Irene. 2020. “Con­nec­ting spaces bet­ween art and sci­ence: pro­jec­tive boxes as (ana­lo­gical) aug­mented rea­lity before and after (digital) aug­mented rea­lity”. Con­nec­ting – Drawing for wea­ving rela­ti­ons­hips, Pro­cee­dings of the 42nd Inter­na­tional Con­fe­rence of Repre­sen­ta­tion Disci­plines Tea­chers, Franco Angeli Open Access, ISBN 9788835104490, doi​.org/​1​0​.​3​2​8​0​/​o​a​-​5​4​8​.29;
  • Gay Fabrizio and Caz­zaro Irene. 2020. “Drawn reflec­tions and reflec­tions on Drawing: the “anti-per­spec­tives” of abs­trac­tio­n­ists and figu­ra­ti­vists at the Vchu­TeMas”. In Diségno n.6. ISSN 2533 – 2899, https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​2​6​3​7​5​/​d​i​s​e​g​n​o​.​6​.​2​0​2​0​.07;
  • Caz­zaro Irene. 2020. “L’é­mer­gence d’une forme: le modèle d’Alan Turing et la con­cep­tion de l’i­mage entre Natu­ralia et Arti­fi­ci­alia”. In L’I­ma­gi­na­tion: Actes du 37e Con­grès de l’As­so­cia­tion des Sociétés de phi­lo­so­phie de langue fran­çaise. Rio de Janeiro, 26 – 31 mars 2018, Col­lege Publi­ca­tions, ISBN 978 – 1‑84890 – 337‑1;
  • Caz­zaro Irene. 2020. “Inter­con­nec­tions bet­ween form and matter in twen­tieth-cen­tury Murano glass”. In A. Lui­gini, C. Pan­ci­roli (Eds.) img journal 02/​2020 Gra­phics, 6 – 18. ISBN 978 – 88-99586 – 11‑9, ISSN 2724 – 2463;
  • Caz­zaro Irene. 2020. “La materia si fa forma. Forze intrin­seche ed equi­libri sto­castici secondo Alan Turing” In Vesper: Rivista di archi­tettura, arti e teoria, n.2. ISBN 978 – 88-229‑0478‑2, ISSN 2704 – 7598;
  • Caz­zaro Irene. 2020. “The drawing and the arte­fact: bio­mor­phism in the design of Murano glass objects in the 20th cen­tury”. Pro­cee­dings of the 2nd Inter­na­tional and Inter­di­sci­pli­nary Con­fe­rence on Image and Ima­gi­na­tion – IMG 2019, Springer Inter­na­tional Publi­shing. ISBN 978 – 3‑030 – 41017‑9 (Print), 978 – 3‑030 – 41018‑6 (Online), ISSN 2194 – 5365;
  • Gay Fabrizio and Caz­zaro Irene. 2020. “Topo­graphy and topo­logy of the inte­rior: Lis­sitzky vs. Flo­renskij”. Pro­cee­dings of the 2nd Inter­na­tional and Inter­di­sci­pli­nary Con­fe­rence on Image and Ima­gi­na­tion – IMG 2019, Springer Inter­na­tional Publi­shing. ISBN 978 – 3‑030 – 41017‑9 (Print), 978 – 3‑030 – 41018‑6 (Online), ISSN 2194 – 5365;
  • Caz­zaro Irene. 2020. “Urban form as a sto­chastic equi­li­brium: some app­li­ca­tions of Alan Turing’s mor­pho­ge­netic model”, Rea­ding Built Spaces. Cities in the making and future urban forms – ISU­Fi­taly Bari 2018 Pro­cee­dings, U+D Edi­tions. ISBN 978 – 88-941188 – 6‑5;
  • Caz­zaro Irene. 2019. “Il disegno del vetro alla for­nace Seguso Vetri d’Arte: imma­gi­nare riflessioni/​rifrazioni” in Rif­les­sioni: L’arte del disegno /​ il disegno del­l’arte. Roma: Gan­gemi Edi­tore. ISBN 978 – 88-492‑3762‑7;
  • Gay Fabrizio and Caz­zaro Irene. 2019. “L’assonometria svolta: rif­les­sioni mosco­vite sui rove­scia­menti anti­prospet­tici degli interni” in Rif­les­sioni: L’arte del disegno /​ il disegno del­l’arte. Roma: Gan­gemi Edi­tore. ISBN 978 – 88-492‑3762‑7;
  • Caz­zaro Irene. 2019. “The drawing and the arte­fact: bio­mor­phism in the design of Murano glass objects in the 20th cen­tury”. (Book of abs­tracts) IMG2019. 2nd Inter­na­tional and Inter­di­sci­pli­nary Con­fe­rence on Images and Ima­gi­na­tion, Alg­hero, 4 – 5 July 2019, Publica Press. ISBN 978 – 88-99586 – 08‑9, ebook ISBN 978 – 88-99586 – 07‑2;
  • Gay Fabrizio and Caz­zaro Irene. 2019. “Topo­graphy and topo­logy of the inte­rior: Lis­sitzky vs. Flo­renskij”. (Book of abs­tracts) IMG2019. 2nd Inter­na­tional and Inter­di­sci­pli­nary Con­fe­rence on Images and Ima­gi­na­tion, Alg­hero, 4 – 5 July 2019, Publica Press. ISBN 978 – 88-99586 – 08‑9, ebook ISBN 978 – 88-99586 – 07‑2;
  • Gay Fabrizio and Caz­zaro Irene. 2019. “Vene­tian per­spec­tive boxes: when the images become envi­ron­ments. Low-tech high-know­ledge media for tea­ching the his­to­rical heri­tage of the interior/​exterior envi­ron­ments”, Pro­cee­dings of the 1st Inter­na­tional and Inter­di­sci­pli­nary Con­fe­rence on Digital Envi­ron­ments for Edu­ca­tion, Arts and Heri­tage, Springer Inter­na­tional Publi­shing. ISBN 978 – 3‑030 – 12239‑3 (Print), 978 – 3‑030 – 12240‑9 (Online) ISSN 2194 – 5357;
  • Caz­zaro Irene. 2018. “Urban form as a sto­chastic equi­li­brium: some app­li­ca­tions of Alan Turing’s mor­pho­ge­netic model”, (Book of abs­tracts) Rea­ding built space. Cities in the making and future urban form, 24th ISU­Fi­taly, Bari, 26 – 28 Sep­tember. ISBN 978 – 88-941188 – 5‑8;
  • Gay Fabrizio and Caz­zaro Irene. 2018. “Mate­ria­lismo e immagine/​scrittura: Otto Neurath verso una razio­nale sti­liz­za­zione semio­tica” in Rappresentazione/​materiale/​immateriale. Roma: Gan­gemi Edi­tore. ISBN 978 – 88-492‑3651‑4;
  • Caz­zaro Irene. 2018. “Cel­lular auto­mata bet­ween life sci­ence and para­metric design: examples of arti­fi­cial life to simu­late natural pro­cesses and gene­rate mor­pho­ge­netic arte­facts”, Pro­cee­dings of the 18th Inter­na­tional Con­fe­rence on Geo­metry and Gra­phics, Milano, 3 – 7 August 2018, Springer. ISBN 978 – 3‑319 – 95587‑2
(Print), 978 – 3‑319 – 95588‑9 (Online);
  • Gay Fabrizio and Caz­zaro Irene. 2017. “Eido­ge­nesis of the arti­fi­cial: il caso del rap­porto tra modelli della ‘imma­gine natu­rale’ e stru­menti di pro­get­t­a­zione para­metrica”, Pro­cee­dings of the Inter­na­tional and Inter­di­sci­pli­nary Con­fe­rence IMMAGINI?, 1 (9), 929. E‑ISSN 2504 – 3900, ISBN 978 – 3‑03842 – 681‑3;
  • Gay Fabrizio and Caz­zaro Irene. 2017. “Self-orga­nized matter: design and pri­mi­tive future of the eidetic cate­go­ries”, The Design Journal, 20:sup1, S317-S331. ISSN: 1460 – 6925 (Print) 1756 – 3062 (Online), ISBN 978 – 1‑138 – 09023‑1;
  • Gay Fabrizio and Caz­zaro Irene. 2016. “Il disegno dell’indiscernibile: mor­fo­ge­nesi & mor­fo­grafia degli artef­atti” in Le ragioni del disegno. Pen­siero, Forma e Modello nella Ges­tione della Comp­les­sità. Roma: Gan­gemi Edi­tore. ISBN 978 – 88-492‑3295‑0;
  • Gay Fabrizio and Caz­zaro Irene. 2016. Eser­cizi del corso di disegno e comu­ni­ca­zione visiva: coll­audo dei fon­da­menti e reda­zione del port­folio di laurea. Venezia: Libreria Cluva Edit­rice. ISBN 978 – 88-97418 – 13‑9.


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