Doktorandin (kooperative Promotion an der Universität Bologna – Alma Mater Studiorum, Fachbereich Architektur)
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Zur Person
Irene Cazzaro was born in Venice (Italy) in 1990. She is currently a PhD student in Architecture at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture and a Master’s Degree in Architecture and Urban Planning with a major in Morphology, both from the IUAV University of Venice, in 2012 and 2015 respectively. Since 2015, she has worked as a teaching assistant at IUAV, contributing to courses such as Representation of Architecture, Morphology of Artefacts, Visual Communication and Art of Glass. She has participated as a speaker in several conferences mainly concerning architecture, design, image and imagination.
Her current research interests include the representation of architecture, morphology, morphogenesis and graphic design, between theoretical knowledge and practical outcomes. As a PhD student, she is conducting research on digital 3D models of destroyed or unbuilt artefacts with a cross-disciplinary approach involving the fields of Architecture, History of Art and Archaeology. Her work mainly focuses on terminology and methodology, in an effort to set widely-accepted standards to be used in 3D visualisations, complying with principles such as integrity, reliability, sustainability and accessibility of the models.
Curriculum Vitae
2019 – 2021 | PhD student at the University of Bologna – Alma Mater Studiorum, Architecture Department, in cooperation with the Institute of Architecture at the Hochschule Mainz |
2019 – 2020 | Teaching Assistant, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Architecture Department, supplementary teaching activity at the “Architectural Drawing and Graphic Analysis” course, prof. Fabrizio Apollonio and prof. Federico Fallavollita. |
2018 – 2019 | Scholarship holder at Glass Study Centre, Giorgio Cini Foundation (Venice), in partnership with Pentagram Stiftung Giorgio Cini Foundation, San Giorgio, Venice. |
2015 – 2020 | Teaching assistant, IUAV University, Venice |
2011 and 2014 – 2015 | Collaborator in Bonini + Fratter Office – Architecture and design studio, Mestre (Venice) |
2012 – 2015 | Master of Architecture (M.Arch.), IUAV University, Venice |
2009 – 2012 | Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Architecture, IUAV University, Venice |
- Digital 3D modeling and visualization
- Digital hypothetical reconstructions in architecture, art and archaeology
- Representation and morphology of the artefacts
- Gay Fabrizio and Cazzaro Irene. 2020. “Connecting spaces between art and science: projective boxes as (analogical) augmented reality before and after (digital) augmented reality”. Connecting – Drawing for weaving relationships, Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference of Representation Disciplines Teachers, Franco Angeli Open Access, ISBN 9788835104490,;
- Gay Fabrizio and Cazzaro Irene. 2020. “Drawn reflections and reflections on Drawing: the “anti-perspectives” of abstractionists and figurativists at the VchuTeMas”. In Diségno n.6. ISSN 2533 – 2899,;
- Cazzaro Irene. 2020. “L’émergence d’une forme: le modèle d’Alan Turing et la conception de l’image entre Naturalia et Artificialia”. In L’Imagination: Actes du 37e Congrès de l’Association des Sociétés de philosophie de langue française. Rio de Janeiro, 26 – 31 mars 2018, College Publications, ISBN 978 – 1‑84890 – 337‑1;
- Cazzaro Irene. 2020. “Interconnections between form and matter in twentieth-century Murano glass”. In A. Luigini, C. Panciroli (Eds.) img journal 02/2020 Graphics, 6 – 18. ISBN 978 – 88-99586 – 11‑9, ISSN 2724 – 2463;
- Cazzaro Irene. 2020. “La materia si fa forma. Forze intrinseche ed equilibri stocastici secondo Alan Turing” In Vesper: Rivista di architettura, arti e teoria, n.2. ISBN 978 – 88-229‑0478‑2, ISSN 2704 – 7598;
- Cazzaro Irene. 2020. “The drawing and the artefact: biomorphism in the design of Murano glass objects in the 20th century”. Proceedings of the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Image and Imagination – IMG 2019, Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978 – 3‑030 – 41017‑9 (Print), 978 – 3‑030 – 41018‑6 (Online), ISSN 2194 – 5365;
- Gay Fabrizio and Cazzaro Irene. 2020. “Topography and topology of the interior: Lissitzky vs. Florenskij”. Proceedings of the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Image and Imagination – IMG 2019, Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978 – 3‑030 – 41017‑9 (Print), 978 – 3‑030 – 41018‑6 (Online), ISSN 2194 – 5365;
- Cazzaro Irene. 2020. “Urban form as a stochastic equilibrium: some applications of Alan Turing’s morphogenetic model”, Reading Built Spaces. Cities in the making and future urban forms – ISUFitaly Bari 2018 Proceedings, U+D Editions. ISBN 978 – 88-941188 – 6‑5;
- Cazzaro Irene. 2019. “Il disegno del vetro alla fornace Seguso Vetri d’Arte: immaginare riflessioni/rifrazioni” in Riflessioni: L’arte del disegno / il disegno dell’arte. Roma: Gangemi Editore. ISBN 978 – 88-492‑3762‑7;
- Gay Fabrizio and Cazzaro Irene. 2019. “L’assonometria svolta: riflessioni moscovite sui rovesciamenti antiprospettici degli interni” in Riflessioni: L’arte del disegno / il disegno dell’arte. Roma: Gangemi Editore. ISBN 978 – 88-492‑3762‑7;
- Cazzaro Irene. 2019. “The drawing and the artefact: biomorphism in the design of Murano glass objects in the 20th century”. (Book of abstracts) IMG2019. 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Images and Imagination, Alghero, 4 – 5 July 2019, Publica Press. ISBN 978 – 88-99586 – 08‑9, ebook ISBN 978 – 88-99586 – 07‑2;
- Gay Fabrizio and Cazzaro Irene. 2019. “Topography and topology of the interior: Lissitzky vs. Florenskij”. (Book of abstracts) IMG2019. 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Images and Imagination, Alghero, 4 – 5 July 2019, Publica Press. ISBN 978 – 88-99586 – 08‑9, ebook ISBN 978 – 88-99586 – 07‑2;
- Gay Fabrizio and Cazzaro Irene. 2019. “Venetian perspective boxes: when the images become environments. Low-tech high-knowledge media for teaching the historical heritage of the interior/exterior environments”, Proceedings of the 1st International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Digital Environments for Education, Arts and Heritage, Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978 – 3‑030 – 12239‑3 (Print), 978 – 3‑030 – 12240‑9 (Online) ISSN 2194 – 5357;
- Cazzaro Irene. 2018. “Urban form as a stochastic equilibrium: some applications of Alan Turing’s morphogenetic model”, (Book of abstracts) Reading built space. Cities in the making and future urban form, 24th ISUFitaly, Bari, 26 – 28 September. ISBN 978 – 88-941188 – 5‑8;
- Gay Fabrizio and Cazzaro Irene. 2018. “Materialismo e immagine/scrittura: Otto Neurath verso una razionale stilizzazione semiotica” in Rappresentazione/materiale/immateriale. Roma: Gangemi Editore. ISBN 978 – 88-492‑3651‑4;
- Cazzaro Irene. 2018. “Cellular automata between life science and parametric design: examples of artificial life to simulate natural processes and generate morphogenetic artefacts”, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, Milano, 3 – 7 August 2018, Springer. ISBN 978 – 3‑319 – 95587‑2 (Print), 978 – 3‑319 – 95588‑9 (Online);
- Gay Fabrizio and Cazzaro Irene. 2017. “Eidogenesis of the artificial: il caso del rapporto tra modelli della ‘immagine naturale’ e strumenti di progettazione parametrica”, Proceedings of the International and Interdisciplinary Conference IMMAGINI?, 1 (9), 929. E‑ISSN 2504 – 3900, ISBN 978 – 3‑03842 – 681‑3;
- Gay Fabrizio and Cazzaro Irene. 2017. “Self-organized matter: design and primitive future of the eidetic categories”, The Design Journal, 20:sup1, S317-S331. ISSN: 1460 – 6925 (Print) 1756 – 3062 (Online), ISBN 978 – 1‑138 – 09023‑1;
- Gay Fabrizio and Cazzaro Irene. 2016. “Il disegno dell’indiscernibile: morfogenesi & morfografia degli artefatti” in Le ragioni del disegno. Pensiero, Forma e Modello nella Gestione della Complessità. Roma: Gangemi Editore. ISBN 978 – 88-492‑3295‑0;
- Gay Fabrizio and Cazzaro Irene. 2016. Esercizi del corso di disegno e comunicazione visiva: collaudo dei fondamenti e redazione del portfolio di laurea. Venezia: Libreria Cluva Editrice. ISBN 978 – 88-97418 – 13‑9.