Msc Eng. Arch.

Karol Argasiński

Msc Eng. Arch. Karol Argasiński
Dok­to­rand (koope­ra­tive Pro­mo­tion an der Tech­ni­schen Uni­ver­sität War­schau, Fach­be­reich Architektur)

Holzstr. 36
55116 Mainz

Tel. +49 (0) 6131 – 628 ‑1223
Fax +49 (0) 6131 – 628 ‑91223


Zur Person

Has earned a Msc Of Arch from the Faculty of Archi­tec­ture at the Warsaw Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy (WUT). Inte­rested in heri­tage, he is also enhan­cing his know­ledge in archi­tec­tural heri­tage and pre­ser­va­tion at the Arts Faculty at the Nikolai Coper­nicus Uni­ver­sity in Toruń, Poland.
Cur­r­ently he is working on his PhD in Warsaw Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy, on the topic of crea­ting vir­tual mode­ling stan­dards for archi­tec­tural heritage.

He founded the com­pany BIM­fak­toria out of his pas­sion for the pre­ser­va­tion of monu­ments and cul­tural heri­tage. It started with exten­sive archi­tec­tural ana­lyses through inven­tory taking by means of laser scan­ning exis­ting monu­mental struc­tures. With repeatedly enhan­cing the pro­cess of digi­ti­zing his­toric struc­tures, Karol Argasiński has collected a myriad of know­ledge when it comes to the approach of how to incor­po­rate his­toric pre­ser­va­tion via point clouds and com­plex BIM tools such as PointCab, Archicad, Revit or All­plan, gathe­ring years of expe­ri­ence and deepe­ning know­ledge, the com­pany has expanded ser­vices to include not only com­plex OpenBIM com­pliant invent­ories, but also take part in acti­vi­ties that aim to improve the work of archi­tects and engi­neers in the AECO industry. By imple­men­ting BIM soft­ware and openBIM metho­do­lo­gies, but above all by imple­men­ting BIM tech­no­logy pro­cesses throughout the pro­ject lifecycle. BIM­fak­toria digi­tizes the world around us, trans­forming what is tem­porary and fra­gile into las­ting and fasci­na­ting expe­ri­ences, images and ani­ma­tions. He is also an exclu­sive partner for PointCab GmbH in Poland.

As sharing know­ledge is a core value, he is an Aca­demic Lec­turer in ZIGURAT Global Insti­tute of Tech­no­logy, during Master’s in Global BIM Manage­ment and Con­struc­tion Pro­ject Manage­ment where he shares his views on BIM Imple­men­ta­tion, Common Data Envi­ron­ments and OpenBIM methods of work.

He is also a Co-Editor in BIMe Initia­tive crea­ting the polish ver­sion of BIM Dictionary.

He is a GRAPHISOFT Cer­ti­fied BIM Manager and Cer­ti­fied ArchiCAD Pro­fes­sional. Through his expe­ri­ence he is deve­lo­ping and actively tea­ching soft­ware tech­ni­ques and works with com­pa­nies on intro­du­cing them to the OpenBIM world by imple­men­ting soft­ware and methods of work being also buil­dingS­MART Polish Chapter mem­bers working in the Edu­ca­tional Room.
Cur­r­ently, he is a rese­arch assi­stant in AI Hoch­schule Mainz – Uni­ver­sity of App­lied Sciences.

Cur­ri­culum Vitae

2021-today Warsaw Uni­ver­sity of Technology
Faculty of Architecture

Spe­cia­lity: Doctorate/​Phd

Rese­arch Area: Vir­tual mode­ling of archi­tec­tural heritage

2019-today ZIGURAT Global Insti­tute of Technology

Aca­demic Lecturer

  • Spe­cia­li­zing in the topic of BIM imple­men­ta­tion and deploy­ment in the AEC(O) con­struc­tion sector.
  • Dis­cus­sing stan­dar­di­z­a­tion of CDE plat­forms in accordance with ISO 19650, infor­ma­tion sys­tems and prac­tical use of laser scan­ning and pho­to­gram­metry tech­no­lo­gies in Heri­tage Buil­ding Infor­ma­tion Mode­ling. There are two Edi­tions per year.


  • Two-Three groups of gra­duate stu­dents (12 – 18 people) in the simu­la­tion of the entire pro­ject life cycle per­formed using the openBIM method. Cyclical super­vi­sion and con­sul­ta­tion. Amount of groups per Edition.
2018 – 2021 Warsaw Uni­ver­sity of Technology
Faculty of Architecture

Spe­cia­liz­a­tion: Archi­tec­ture for Society of Knowledge.

Master’s Degree: Reim­agi­ning con­ser­va­tion and manage­ment methods of built heri­tage with HBIM, based on res­to­ra­tion pro­cesses of park estab­lish­ment In Tryńcza.



Com­pany that spe­cia­lizes in stan­dar­di­z­a­tion, trai­ning and deli­very of high qua­lity survey mate­rials using laser scan­ning and pho­to­gram­metry tech­ni­ques with focus on Heritage.

  • Pro­vides HBIM/​BIM outsourcing.
  • Crea­ting a branch of PointCab GmbH as a Master Reseller in Poland.


2017 – 2021 BDM’A
BIM Manager
  • Team super­vi­sion and BIM super­vi­sion of cuba­ture pro­jects in the studio.
  • Deve­lo­ping BIM stan­dard for the pro­ject of the Main Office of Mea­sures Campus in Kielce. Per­forming the role during the design phase.
2017-today Nico­laus Coper­nicus Uni­ver­sity in Torun
Gra­duate stu­dies in his­to­rical stu­dies and his­toric preservation.
2013 – 2017 Krakow Aca­de­my­An­drzej Frycz-Modrzewski
Archi­tec­ture Department

Engi­nee­ring Degree: Adap­t­ation of the his­toric Kraków Marcin Peter­seim fac­tory com­plex for busi­ness and cul­tural purposes.

Main Areas of work

  • Laser Scanning/​SLAM/​Photogrammetry survey
  • Clas­si­fi­ca­tion sys­tems for Heritage
  • Digital buil­ding rese­arch and pre­ser­va­tion of monuments
  • 3D digital mode­ling and visualization
  • Digital 3D recon­struc­tion of monuments
  • Docu­men­ta­tion stan­dards and data modeling

Com­mit­tees and Memberships

  • Laser Scanning/​SLAM/​Photogrammetry survey
  • Member of Heritage4BIM, UK
  • Member of buil­dingS­MART polish chapter
  • Member of BIMee Com­mu­nity and BIM Dictionary


April 2019

Speech and paper at the IX Young Sci­en­tists con­fe­rence. Publi­ca­tion ISBN (P.1) 978 – 83-66139 – 83‑1

April 2019

Laser scan­ning of the Golesz castle in Kra­jo­wice in the light of archaeo­lo­gical rese­arch and con­ser­va­tion and res­to­ra­tion works car­ried out in the years 2010 – 2019. Mate­rials and Reports of the Rzeszów Archeo­lo­gical Center, Volume 41, Rzeszów 2020, s. 127 – 158, DOI: 10.15584 misroa.2020.41.9

July 2020

BIM – an essen­tial tech­no­logy in the cur­rent archi­tec­tural design life cycle.
Mate­riały Budow­lane, ISSN 0137 – 2971, e‑ISSN 2449 – 951X, 7/​2020, page 55 – 56

May 2021

Pre­sen­ta­tion at Com­pu­ta­tional Civil Engi­nee­ring CCE2021 con­fe­rence, TU of Iasi, Romania

February 2021

HBIM in prac­tice. Mate­riały Budow­lane, ISSN 0137 – 2971, e‑ISSN 2449 – 951X, 1/​2021, page 49 – 50

December 2021

Archi­tec­tural Heri­tage Vir­tual Models in Con­ser­va­tion Prac­tice. Wia­do­mości Kon­ser­wa­tor­skie, ISSN 0860 – 2395, e‑ISSN 2544 – 8870, 68s/​2021, co-aut­hors: Krzy­sztof Koszewski, Jakub Fran­czuk, page 17 – 25

May 2022

Pre­sen­ta­tion: Laser scan­ning as a method of pas­sing on a non-exxis­tent archi­tec­tural heri­tage to the next genera­tions, Con­ser­va­tion of Archi­tec­tural Heri­tage (CAH) – 6th Edition

August 2022

Laser scan­ning as a source of infor­ma­tion in the ana­lysis of the facades of heri­tage at risk – the man­sion in Kli­c­zewo Male. Mate­riały Budow­lane, ISSN 0137 – 2971, e‑ISSN 2449 – 951X, page 75 – 77


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