Die Neue Syn­agoge in a digital net­work of con­nec­tions – New ways of docu­men­ting and pro­mo­ting cul­tural heritage

Poster zur Veranstaltung

Die Neue Syn­agoge in a digital net­work of con­nec­tions – New ways of docu­men­ting and pro­mo­ting cul­tural heri­tage (poln.: Nowa Syn­agoga w cyfrowej sieci powiązań – nowe formy doku­men­tacji i prze­kazu dzied­zictwa kul­tur­o­wego), sci­en­tific seminar „The Sile­sian Syn­ago­gues: A Thousand Years of History Which Died in One Night“, orga­nized by the Wro­cław Uni­ver­sity of Sci­ence and Tech­no­logy and the Bente Kahan Foundation.

Zeit: 06. – 07.11.2019
Ort: Wro­cław Uni­ver­sity of Sci­ence and Tech­no­logy | wybrzeże Sta­nisława Wyspia­ńs­kiego 27, 50 – 370 Wro­cław, Poland
Link: Sile­sian Synagogues


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