The ERASMUS+ project: CoVHer is set out to support digital capabilities within the higher education sector in the field of computer-based visualizations of architectural cultural heritage (CVCH). The collaboration of the various European project partners aims towards the stimulation, development and critical analysis of innovative learning and teaching practices.
The main objective of CoVHer is to define and agree upon applicable guidelines and operational methodologies for the study, implementation, visualization, accessibility and critical evaluation of CH represented in general by digital 3D models of lost architecture in accordance with the UNESCO Charter on the Preservation of Digital Heritage (2009) and the FAIR principles (2016).
The specific goals can be summarized as the following:
- Defining applicable standards, methods and a common understanding for the development and evaluation of CVCH (Computer-based Visualization of Architectural Cultural Heritage)
- Creating a digital 3D model repository for CH that follows a developed infrastructure according to the mutually agreed upon standards and methods
- Testing of the infrastructure within the digital 3D repository according to usability and open access standards
- Dissemination of the CoVHer ideas in the academic as well as the public sphere of CH.
- Generating teaching modules and courses dedicated to the digital 3D reconstruction of CH targeted at students, scholars and the public interested in the fields of architecture, engineering, archaeology, heritage preservation and art history as well as professionals in the area of CH.
Alma Mater Studiorum – Universita di Bologna
Hochschule Mainz – University of Applied Science
Politechnika Warszawska
Universidade do Porto
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Tempesta Media SL
Interessengemeinschaft für semantische Datenverarbeitung e.V.
Erasmus+ – KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education
Februar 2022 – Januar 2025