CoVHer – Com­puter-based Visua­li­sa­tion of Archi­tec­tural Cul­tural Heritage

CoVHer – Com­puter-based Visua­li­sa­tion of Archi­tec­tural Cul­tural Heritage

The ERASMUS+ pro­ject: CoVHer is set out to sup­port digital capa­bi­li­ties within the higher edu­ca­tion sector in the field of com­puter-based visua­liz­a­tions of archi­tec­tural cul­tural heri­tage (CVCH). The col­la­bo­ra­tion of the various Euro­pean pro­ject part­ners aims towards the sti­mu­la­tion, deve­lo­p­ment and cri­tical ana­lysis of inno­va­tive lear­ning and tea­ching practices.

The main objec­tive of CoVHer is to define and agree upon app­li­cable gui­de­lines and ope­ra­tional metho­do­lo­gies for the study, imple­men­ta­tion, visua­liz­a­tion, acces­si­bi­lity and cri­tical eva­lua­tion of CH repre­sented in general by digital 3D models of lost archi­tec­ture in accordance with the UNESCO Charter on the Pre­ser­va­tion of Digital Heri­tage (2009) and the FAIR princi­ples (2016).

The spe­cific goals can be sum­ma­rized as the following:

  • Defi­ning app­li­cable stan­dards, methods and a common under­stan­ding for the deve­lo­p­ment and eva­lua­tion of CVCH (Com­puter-based Visua­liz­a­tion of Archi­tec­tural Cul­tural Heritage)
  • Crea­ting a digital 3D model repo­si­tory for CH that fol­lows a deve­loped infra­st­ruc­ture according to the mutually agreed upon stan­dards and methods
  • Tes­ting of the infra­st­ruc­ture within the digital 3D repo­si­tory according to usa­bi­lity and open access standards
  • Dis­se­mi­na­tion of the CoVHer ideas in the aca­demic as well as the public sphere of CH.
  • Genera­ting tea­ching modules and courses dedi­cated to the digital 3D recon­struc­tion of CH tar­geted at stu­dents, scho­lars and the public inte­rested in the fields of archi­tec­ture, engi­nee­ring, archaeo­logy, heri­tage pre­ser­va­tion and art history as well as pro­fes­sio­nals in the area of CH.


Alma Mater Stu­diorum – Uni­ver­sita di Bologna

Hoch­schule Mainz – Uni­ver­sity of App­lied Science

Poli­tech­nika Warszawska

Uni­ver­sidade do Porto

Uni­ver­sitat Auto­noma de Barcelona

Tem­pesta Media SL

Inter­es­sen­ge­mein­schaft für seman­ti­sche Daten­ver­ar­bei­tung e.V.


Erasmus+ – KA220-HED – Coope­ra­tion part­ners­hips in higher education


Februar 2022 – Januar 2025


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